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Hoarding: How to Help a Loved One

Hoarding remains a common problem throughout our country and it takes on many forms. It’s not always the messy, dirty piles of random stuff as seen on television shows. Sometimes it’s an organized room stacked to the brim with important items or documents. Often, hoarding is an outcome of a mental problem the person may or may not be aware of.

Hoarding can lead to frustration

After years of hoarding, it becomes more of an issue of the person giving up – cleaning or organizing a small part of their home doesn’t seem to make a dent in the overall appearance of the home. Frustration and depression may occur at this point – which is why it’s critical to offer love and support, and a little help along the way. As a Jackson area junk removal and hauling service, we’re here to help, as well.

Hoarding creates more problems than just an eyesore. If the home becomes unsanitary, first responders may red-tag the home, meaning they won’t come back until it’s cleaned up. Your loved one may become physically ill due to unsanitary conditions and infestations, or fall into deeper depression not being able to live their life in the way they’d like to.

Providing support

Helping your loved one make the decision to start cleaning up should first involve more care than simply telling them it needs done. For many suffering through hoarding, it’s not as simple as saying “OK, get rid of it!” Memories may be attached to items or they may have a hard time accepting the disrepair. Explain the many benefits of the process, including being able to enjoy having friends and family over, the flexibility to experience every room of the home and, in cases of unsanitary conditions, the health benefits of cleaning up the space.

Every case and person is different, along with the outcomes of speaking to them regarding the situation. Some people may panic at the act or even thought of removing items from the home; others may be more than willing to help with the process as they see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We can help

This process isn’t always an easy one – but oftentimes a necessity. If you need help tackling a hoarding situation of a loved one, we’re here. We can help remove everything or assist the homeowner in the process of going through individual items.

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